Delete the orignial dark oval layer in your palette.
Highlight the red oval layer-Selections-select all-float-defloat
Paste paper 14 as new layer-selections-invert-hit delete on your keyboard
Selections none. Add drop shadow and delete original red oval layer.
Highlight lg dark star layer-Selections-select all-float-defloat
Paste paper 9 as new layer-selections-invert-hit delete on your keyboard.
Selections-none. Add same graident glow as above.
Delete orignial lg dark star layer.
Hightlight lg light star-selections-select all-float-defloat
Paste paper 14 as new layer-selections-invert-hit delete on your keyboard.
Selections-select none-delete original lg light star layer.
Do the same as above for the remaining layers using your choice of papers.
Once you have all your layers colored to your likings
Hightlight the left frame layer (mine is raster 6)
Selections-select all-float-defloat
Open your tube and highlight the layer labeled Route 69
Rotate 15 to the left and resize by 70%
Paste as a new layer -selections -none
Now choose the right frame(mine is raster 7)
Selections-select all-float-defloat
Now paste your tube as a new layer-duplicate- move duplicated layer to top of layers and hide .
On the original tube layer
Place as youd like-see mine for reference.
Selections -invert-delete.
Now unhide duplicate and use your eraser to remove any excess from under the frame.
Add any other elements from the kit youd like.
Add any text you would like
Crop to your likings
Add proper credits and copyrights.
And youre done.
I hope you enjoyed this tut-I am still learning as I go and I would love to see what you did -please send your results to