Saturday, August 22, 2009

Fairy Tale


This tag was put together using my own imagination. Any resemblance to any other tag or tutorial is purely coincidental.

Supplies Needed:
Tube of choice: I am using an Elias Chatzoudis tube and his work can be purchased here

The scrapkit I am using is a ptu kit and let me tell you
This kit is awesome! It’s called Cinderella by Addictive Pleasures
You can purchase it here

Template #46 by Melissaz Creationz
You can find it here
Thank you Melissa for a great template
Font of choice- I used Aubergine

Plugins (Optional)
Gradient glow

I am using PSP9
Some working knowledge of psp is needed to complete this tutorial.

Let’s begin
Open template and delete credit layer and delete floral brushes also. We will use the ones that came with the kit.

Highlight bottom shape in your layers
Selections-select all –float –defloat
Paste paper 12 as new layer
Selections- invert-delete on keyboard
Select none
Delete original bottom shape layer

Add gradient glow white
Add gradient glow pink to match your layer

Choose your rectangle layer
Selections-select all –float –defloat
Paste paper 11 as new layer
Selections- invert-delete on keyboard
Select none
Delete original rectangle layer

Choose your rectangle frame
Selections-select all –float –defloat
Paste paper 3 as new layer
Selections- invert-delete on keyboard
Select none
Add white gradient glow and optional drop shadow
Delete original rectangle frame layer

Choose fairy trail 1
Selections-select all –float –defloat
Paste paper 11 as new layer
Selections- invert-delete on keyboard
Select none
Delete original fairy trail 1 layer

Repeat these steps for each fairy trail layer
Paste castle from kit as new layer
Resize by 30 %
Position as wanted, see mine for reference.
Paste tube as new layer and position
If you are using the same one as I am
I resized it by 80%
Add any other elements from this awesome kit that you would like to.
Add your copyright and license
Crop if needed
Merge all and you’re done.
Thanks for trying my tutorial.
I would love to see your results!

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